Academics, Teachers
- Business Schools
- College professors
- Adult Educators
Changes in the global marketplace change are demanding new approaches to a host of organizational challenges, chief among them leadership development, team development, coaching, succession planning, and cross-cultural and post-merger integration. Ask yourself:
- Do your business courses reflect and respond to the market changes?
- Are your courses resulting in engaging the students?
- How sustainable are the results of the learning you are imparting?
- Can you be certain that it is relevant to the needs of the private and not-for-profit sectors?
In recent years, as practitioners collected experience in the practical application of action learning, Action Refection Learning (ARL) has begun to be taught at the Master’s level in universities in Europe, Latin America and the United States. Until now, though, no one had attempted to codify ARL’s theoretical underpinning. Now, for the first time, Isabel Rimanoczy, PhD, and colleagues have written a book that presents the codified theory and illuminates it with actual stories of the application of this widely effective learning methodology. You might be interested in this section of the chapter “ARL in Education”. *The Ten Learning Principles *The Elements of ARL