Organization Development Professionals
- OD interventions
- Change Management processes
If one believes, as Arie De Geus has posited, that an organization’s ability to learn faster than competition may be its sole competitive advantage, then the Action Reflection Learning methodology can be a powerful tool to bring about needed attitudinal and behavioral change in your organization. The ARL learning methodology is one that will shift the way you bring change to your workplace. Ask yourself:
- How do you rate the success of your recent change efforts?
- Did they achieve the anticipated results?
- Who initiated the change?
- Who executed it?
- Were the change leaders successful in institutionalizing the learning?
- Did they cascade the learning throughout the organization so that the process can become self-sustaining?
Read the story of a 3-phase Change Strategy You will read about how ARL tools were instrumental in guiding a large manufacturing site through a significant, and potentially demoralizing change process. The site of some 800 employees was facing:
-- the clear possibility of either going out of business or being sold -- the message from headquarters that the future of the site was in the hands of all employees -- a new leader in a leadership team (LT) that had undergone recent turnover -- wide-spread rumors and fear at all employee levels
Then the design and development of three-phase Change Strategy:
1. The Leadership Team and Learning Coaches build an integrated high performing, define the challenge, and establish the strategy
2. The LT selects a cadre of 40 Next Level Leaders who will flesh out the strategy and take responsibility for its execution
3. The Next Level Team engages the rest of the organization in rolling out the cultural transformation across all levels and all three work shifts